Hello, this is SonicPhoon, the author of EFR Project and born in 1991 in real life
Today I gonna share to you what the hell is happening before i start this masterpiece
Back to 28th June 2012, Eden Eternal (we call it Finding Neverland Online or FNO) is open to all Malaysian + Singaporean to play, and that time I was thinking this is the best MMO that I ever play such as:
- Class Changing in everywhere, everytime
- Interactive gameplay
- Elite/Guild/Dungeon Bosses Break Point meter
- Multiple races during character creation
- COSTUME < This is the main point
Until late November 2012, they release a costume which manage to catch on my eyes, MYSTERIOUS ULTRAMODERN ARMOR GARB (PRIME), I HAD LINK IT THERE BUT IT SHOWN IN CHINESE, plus, an amazing introduction PV is shown in there to make my cosmo burst
(Wait...... Cosmo Burst........ is it related to SAINT SEIYA?)
What ever, so I had ask other player in the chatroom and they mention the Higher rank of that suit costed up to 1000g In Game, in that time i had to use my real cash and buy the crappy version of the suit for RM24.90 (SAME AS THE COST OF THE SEA VERSION OF PSO2 EP1 INSTALLER DVD PACK)
As I show my avatar in this look, a lot of trolls just give me some weird comment such as...... "The Pervert who wear the undergarment outside......". Wait a second...... U.N.D.E.R.G.A.R.M.E.N.T.? seriously?
Well, I dun care what the hell you all mention about, but this comment i had add in troll list and some USA + UK gamer agrees that this statement is a ultimate troll they had heard ever. Plus, Some Malay guys mention that this suit just like one of the Sci-Fi Movie, Tron Legacy (Seriously, but thanks for your complement dude)
After that I had to buy the lightsaber, car, wings, you name it, all bought in the same method and the thing change upside down
What ever, so I had ask other player in the chatroom and they mention the Higher rank of that suit costed up to 1000g In Game, in that time i had to use my real cash and buy the crappy version of the suit for RM24.90 (SAME AS THE COST OF THE SEA VERSION OF PSO2 EP1 INSTALLER DVD PACK)

As I show my avatar in this look, a lot of trolls just give me some weird comment such as...... "The Pervert who wear the undergarment outside......". Wait a second...... U.N.D.E.R.G.A.R.M.E.N.T.? seriously?
Well, I dun care what the hell you all mention about, but this comment i had add in troll list and some USA + UK gamer agrees that this statement is a ultimate troll they had heard ever. Plus, Some Malay guys mention that this suit just like one of the Sci-Fi Movie, Tron Legacy (Seriously, but thanks for your complement dude)
After that I had to buy the lightsaber, car, wings, you name it, all bought in the same method and the thing change upside down

Some one from USA mention it on FB as "Dual Wielded LightSaber FTW!"
But it still something missing and I keep posting my development on this character, in that time I name it "Future Warrior"
Until November 2013, when i post the photo and someone said is it the FUTURE COP, I'm realized I just going the wrong track

But in the same time I had another idea is going on the mind
3 months later, I had submit a photo to the GM in FNO and telling them that I cannot share any Screenshot in the fanpage, later. they repost it on their fanpage and it going explode

I manage to get 30 Likes within a dat, and someone even commented that "IS IT POWER RANGERS?"
In this point a strange kick is appeared and i had decided to make some real shit in future!
What happened next? my FB fanpage is linked to the FNO FB Page for replying the awkward link in their post
But the coolness is not going well, in 28TH JUNE 2014 they had TERMINATE THE GAME SERVER DUE TO FAILIURE TO RENEW THE GAME CONTRACT FROM THE DEVELOPER OF FNO. And the development of EFR has to be delayed to September 2014.
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